IRMiR - Assisting Local Governments in Enhancing Municipal Data Management | Przemyśl Portal Otwartych Danych


IRMiR - Assisting Local Governments in Enhancing Municipal Data Management

The New Research and Advisory Program, City Data Integrator, Aids Municipalities in Improving Municipal Data Management. The City Data Integrator, known as the Institute for City and Regional Development (IDM), is an innovative research and advisory program in Poland dedicated to urban data and their effective use in local governments for the first time. This ambitious initiative was born at the Institute for City and Regional Development, which has been dealing with expertise and studies in the field of urban data for years, encountering the problem of low-quality information provided by local governments.

Research conducted over the years has confirmed that this problem is widespread, regardless of the size of the city. Incorrectly collected and uncoordinated data make managing a city based on analysis results a challenge.

Collaboration with local governments has clearly shown that the main issues related to urban data (and digitization in general) include the isolation of offices, lack of sufficient digital competencies, and sometimes resistance to change or lack of external support.

IDM leverages its knowledge and experience to help local governments overcome these obstacles. The IDM program consists of several key components:

  1. Research and Development (R&D) Activities: Supports research and develops innovative solutions in the field of municipal data.

  2. Audit and Advisory: Helps local governments assess the quality and effectiveness of data management and proposes improvements in the area of open data.

  3. Training: Educates municipal employees in data management and modern technologies.

  4. Standardization of Municipal Data and Improvement of Data Quality: Ensures data consistency and quality, facilitating analysis and decision-making.

  5. IDM System – Better Decision-Making Based on Integrated Data: Creates tools that enable more effective data management and intelligent decision-making.

The IDM program is particularly aimed at smaller and medium-sized cities, which often struggle with limited human and financial resources, preventing them from developing their own IT solutions and data management procedures.

IDM gradually guides local governments on the path of digital transformation, starting with optimizing data management. This is another step towards more efficient and modern city management in Poland.

IRMiR - Assisting Local Governments in Enhancing Municipal Data Management


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IRMiR - Assisting Local Governments in Enhancing Municipal Data Management

The New Research and Advisory Program, City Data Integrator, Aids Municipalities in Improving Municipal Data Management. The City Data Integrator, known as the Institute for City and Regional Development (IDM), is an… czytaj więcejo IRMiR - Assisting Local Governments in Enhancing Municipal Data Management